Saturday, October 6, 2012

3 Questions To Ask Yourself When You Are Clearing Out Clutter

We all have it.  Clutter.  It just accumulates.  Little by little, bit by bit, "things" just come into our space. We may ask ourselves "How did I get all this?!"  At least twice a year it's a good idea to go through your home or office and get rid of things you no longer need or want.  Here are 3 Questions to ask yourself as you go through different areas in your home that have accumulated clutter.

But first a Tip: Focus on one area at a time.  If it is a drawer, take everything out of the drawer.  I mean EVERYTHING.  Not just mostly everything, EVERYTHING!  If it is a shelf take everything off of the shelf.  Put it on the floor, counter or in a clear plastic bin (my personal favorite).  Next, go through each item one by one and ask yourself these 3 questions.

1. Do I USE this?  Keeping things in our space that are never used takes up physical space, mental space, and emotional space.  Because everything in our environment is part of our own personal energy keeping things that are never used (no matter how much you paid for it!) prevents us from having, being and doing what it is that we really WANT !  So, if you don't use it...lose it!  Let it go.  Keeping things out of fear of not having enough does not bring us more.  Keeping things out of fear only keeps us stuck in that fear.  Letting it go is what frees us.

2. Do I LOVE this?  Our world on the outside is a reflection of our world on the inside.  Keeping things around that you don't love (especially when it comes to clothing) is not loving to yourself.  And it's keeping you from having the things you really do LOVE!  So if you don't love it, let it go.

3. Am I keeping this for SOMEONE else?  The people in your life that really care about us, that really love us, want what is best for us.  If you are keeping items out of guilt then it's time to let the guilt AND the item go.  (PS - letting go of the item will help in letting go of the guilt!)

Good luck and remember it's always easier with someone to help you who is not attached to your "stuff" so inlist a loved one, friend, or professional organizer to take on your clutter with you!

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